12 December 2022, SiemReap Cambodia

High-Level Regional Meeting on ” Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Resource Mobilization in ASEAN Mine/ERW Action”


On 12 December 2022, ARMAC hosted the High-Level Meeting on “Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Resource Mobilization in ASEAN Mine/ERW Action” in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The meeting was made possible by the generous support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the People’s Republic of China and follows from two technical working groups on this topic, hosted by ARMAC in 2021 and 2022.
The meeting was attended by high-ranking members of the diplomatic community and representatives from the National Mine Action Authorities of the affected-ASEAN Member States (AMS) and co-chaired by ARMAC Executive Director Mr. Prum Suonpraseth and Director/Counsellor Mr. Liu Zhijie of China PRC. The meeting provided a platform for AMS to propose new and innovative projects to a high-level international audience.

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