Message from the Executive Director
As the Executive Director of ARMAC, I would like to welcome you to our website. ARMAC continues to serve as the Regional Center of Excellence to encourage efforts to address Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) within the ASEAN Region. I am tremendously proud of the impactful and diverse range of activities that ARMAC has successfully carried out in its relatively short history. ARMAC activities continue to support national efforts to rid their lands of ERW, reduce the number of accidents involving explosive ordnance, provide effective Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) and Victim Assistance. We act as a conduit to share the wealth of knowledge, experience and technical expertise that exists within the region, and continue to grow and develop as a respected Humanitarian Mine Action entity on the international stage. I invite you to learn more about the important work of our Center and the exciting activities we have planned.