ARMAC and ANAMA Strengthen Ties with Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC)

03 Sep
On August 27-28, 2024, ARMAC Executive Director Miss Rothna Buth, along with Mr. Vugar Suleymanov, Chairman of the Board of the Mine Action Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ANAMA), had the honor of visiting the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC).
The delegation was warmly received by H.E. Heng Ratana, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Director General of CMAC, who provided a comprehensive briefing on Cambodia’s demining situation and CMAC’s extensive operations across the country.
Cambodia remains heavily impacted by landmines, necessitating innovative and persistent efforts in demining. The delegation visited CMAC’s training center in Kampong Chhnang province, where H.E. Um Phumro, Deputy Director General of CMAC, introduced them to the center’s state-of-the-art training facilities.
The delegation learned about the structure of various training courses, including dog training and harvesting programs, essential for effective demining.
Ensuring the safety of communities goes beyond training; it requires on-the-ground operations. Therefore, on August 28, the delegation visited CMAC operations in Popel Commune, Soutr Nikom District, Siem Reap province, where they observed the multi-toolbox approach in action, including both animal and mechanical clearance methods.
Following the minefield visit, the delegation met with minefield beneficiaries and explored the Techo Peace Museum, which offers a rich documentary history of Cambodia’s clearance efforts.
This visit not only strengthened our partnership with CMAC but also deepened our understanding of the challenges and successes in Cambodia’s journey towards a mine-free future.
The path ahead is still fraught with obstacles. Therefore, our continued collaboration and commitment are crucial for achieving long-term peace and safety in the region.
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