ARMAC had the honor of meeting with the Thailand Mine Action Center (TMAC), led by Lt. Gen. Nattawut Sabyeroop

01 Jun
Today, we had the honor of meeting with the Thailand Mine Action Center (TMAC), led by Lt. Gen. Nattawut Sabyeroop, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, represented by Karin Kunjara Na Ayudhya, First Secretary, at the TMAC Headquarters. The meeting was also attended by representatives from the Thailand Civilian Deminer Association (TDA), Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA), and the Golden West Foundation.
This meeting was an excellent opportunity to discuss the impressive progress made by TMAC in demining operations and ensuring the safety of communities across Thailand. We deeply appreciate TMAC’s dedication and achievements, which serve as an inspiration for the entire region.
At ARMAC, we are committed to supporting TMAC’s ongoing efforts through enhanced collaboration. By providing targeted assistance in capacity building, technical support, and facilitating the exchange of best practices among ASEAN member states and beyond, we aim to strengthen our collective impact and work towards a safer, mine-free future.
We are grateful for their warm hospitality and the support they have extended to ARMAC.
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