ARMAC Workshop Boosts ASEAN Victim Assistance Network

03 Jun
Bangkok, Thailand – May 28, 2024 – The ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) launched a pivotal workshop today in Bangkok, setting the stage for a comprehensive Regional Victim Assistance Network and establishing new guidelines for enhanced victim support. Supported by the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund and attended by 120 delegates from 8 countries, the event represents a significant advancement in victim assistance efforts across ASEAN member states, highlighting the region’s commitment to addressing the needs of explosive ordnance victims.
Leaders Highlight Multilateral Support
The workshop at Novotel Bangkok Hotel Sukhumvit 20 opened with remarks from Mr. Kantapong Rangsesawang, Director General, the Department of Empowerment
of Persons with Disabilities (DEP), Ministry of Social Development and Human Security of Thailand; He underscored Thailand’s dedication to empowering persons with disabilities, emphasizing the nation’s commitment to inclusive access to rights and services, aligned with the Persons with Disabilities Empowerment Act and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
ARMAC’s Executive Director, Ms. Rothna Buth, expressed deep gratitude to the Ministry Social Development and Human Security for co-hosting the event and acknowledged the critical support from the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund.
“Together, we stand united in our resolve to provide comprehensive support and rehabilitation, ensuring that no victim is left behind,” said Ms. Buth, highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing the complex challenges faced by explosive ordnance victims.
Korea’s Ongoing Commitment
Representatives from the Republic of Korea shared insights into their nation’s active involvement in victim assistance programs through the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund. They discussed Korea’s ongoing humanitarian mine action efforts, including their leadership role in the Mine Action Support Group in Geneva.
Mr. Jeong-Han Hahm, the Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Thailand, added, “The Republic of Korea has been actively supporting victim assistance programs through the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund, with ARMAC leading initiatives to assist mine and explosive remnants of war victims in the region. By working together, we can develop comprehensive support systems that ensure victims receive the necessary medical, psychological, and social support to reintegrate into society and lead fulfilling lives.”
A Safer, Inclusive Future
ARMAC extends profound thanks to all participants and partners for their steadfast dedication. The ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund’s generous support underscores the importance of international collaboration in addressing the needs of explosive ordnance victims. The workshop is anticipated to mark a significant milestone in advancing victim assistance within the ASEAN region. ARMAC remains devoted to fostering an inclusive, resilient community where all individuals can live with dignity, free from the impacts of explosive ordnance.
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