
19 Apr
Psychosocial Support Training of Trainer (ToT) April 2024

Financial Support: ASEAN-Korean Cooperation Fund
In-kind Contribution: Singapore Health Services (SingHealth)
Target Group: Medical students and direct service providers in Cambodia (doctors, nurses, community workers and survivors’ network)

Learning objectives:
To equip trainers with a comprehensive understanding of the psychosocial impact of landmines and mental health, along with practical skills to provide comprehensive medical and mental health care for individuals and facilitate impactful, culturally sensitive educational programs

10 Apr
ARMAC had the honor of hosting a pivotal meeting with esteemed representatives from Mission of the People’s Republic of China, led by Her Excellency Mme. Hou Yanqi
This week, ARMAC had the honor of hosting a pivotal meeting with esteemed representatives from Mission of the People’s Republic of China, led by Her Excellency Mme. Hou Yanqi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mission of the People’s Republic of China to ASEAN, alongside Mr. Ma Xiaohui, Counsellor, and Mr. Chen Peng, Third Secretary. Our discussions were rich and productive, focusing on enhancing our partnership and advancing our shared objectives of peace and prosperity across the region.
We delved into various topics that underscored the importance of cooperation, innovation, and collective efforts towards improving safety and sustainable development. The potential for impactful collaborative projects is immense, and we are enthusiastic about the positive changes we can bring to communities affected by landmines and unexploded ordnance.
Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to our distinguished partners for their unwavering and generous support. Your ongoing commitment to our shared goals is truly commendable and invaluable. It is with this spirit of collaboration that we can continue to work towards our goal of a safer future for all.
09 Apr
ARMAC had the privilege of hosting an enriching meeting with our esteemed counterparts from the European Union
ARMAC had the privilege of hosting an enriching meeting with our esteemed counterparts from the European Union. The dialogue, graced by the presence of Ambassador Sujiro Seam of the EU to ASEAN, Ambassador Igor Driesmans to the Kingdom of Cambodia, and Mr. Tihamér CZIKA, Deputy Head of the EU Mission, centered around strengthening the EU-ASEAN cooperation relationship as outlined in the Plan of Action 2023-2027. Our conversation spanned the critical peace-building initiatives and the collective efforts in addressing landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) in the ASEAN region. Looking ahead, we are excited about the prospect of a minefield visit, which underscores our commitment to practical understanding and action.
Moreover, our discussions highlighted the multifaceted cooperation and support from 27 EU countries in mine action efforts, illustrating the power of collaboration in making a tangible difference. We extend our deepest gratitude to our EU partners for their valuable insights and look forward to the positive impact our joint efforts will undoubtedly bring to the ASEAN community.
05 Apr
ARMAC Marks International Day for Mine Awareness with “Rising Stronger: Building Resilience in Mine-Affected Regions”
Siem Reap, Cambodia – April 8, 2024 – The ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC), a center of excellence under ASEAN political-security cooperation, is dedicated to addressing landmines and explosive remnants of war across ASEAN Member States. ARMAC celebrated the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action with the theme “Rising Stronger: Building Resilience in Mine-Affected Regions.”
This year’s theme symbolizes the collective commitment of the ASEAN Member States to confront the challenges posed by landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) across the region and beyond.
The International Day for Mine Awareness is committed to showcasing ongoing efforts and progress in mine eradication and highlighting the critical importance of resilience in areas impacted by landmines. It serves as a symbol of hope and action, aligning closely with ARMAC’s mission, guided by the leadership of Executive Director, Ms. Rothna Buth.
Held between April 3rd to 6th, the event gathered a diverse group of participants from the mine action community, including organizations specializing in mine clearance, landmine survivors, policymakers, and public supporters of mine action initiatives.
The four-day event, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, boasted an extensive agenda of activities. Highlights included internal discussions facilitated by ARMAC, tours of the APOPO Visitor Center, participation in the International Day for Mine Awareness event hosted by CMAA, visits to minefields being cleared by HALO Trust, a tour of the CMAC Peace Museum, and a strategic reflection session led by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Sister Denise Coghlan.
The event also featured appearances by H.E. Mr. Buakeo Phumvongsay, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic to the Kingdom of Cambodia, and
Chairman of the Steering Committee of the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre (ARMAC), and H.E. Dr. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister, First Vice President of CMAA and President of the Ottawa Convention 2024, representative of ASEAN memebers, representatives of Japan, Prince Foundation, among other esteemed guests.
Under Ms. Buth’s direction, the mission places a strong emphasis on inclusivity, gender equality, and the empowerment of women in the fields of humanitarian demining and explosive ordnance disposal.
Ms. Buth, Executive Director of ARMAC, stated, “In the face of adversity, we rise stronger together. Our dedication to mine action extends beyond clearing landmines; it is about cultivating resilient communities and creating a future untouched by the scars of conflict.”
Looking ahead, this event is poised to influence future mine action initiatives, fostering insights and strategic discussions among participants. It represents not merely a celebration but a critical juncture for ARMAC to push forward its objectives of ensuring safety, development, and resilience in mine-affected areas.
About ARMAC:
Headquartered in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, ARMAC plays a crucial role in coordinating and facilitating cooperation among ASEAN Member States and various stakeholders to tackle the challenges presented by landmines and explosive remnants of war. ARMAC is committed to magnifying its impact throughout the region, furthering its mission towards a safer and more prosperous Southeast Asia.
29 Mar
The pleasure of meeting with Mr. SHIBASAKI Daisuke, the esteemed First Secretary in charge of ASEAN Affairs and Defense Matters from Japan
Today marks a significant moment as we had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. SHIBASAKI Daisuke, the esteemed First Secretary in charge of ASEAN Affairs and Defense Matters from Japan. It was an enriching dialogue that underscored our mutual commitment to advancing peace, innovation, and collaboration across the region.
We are immensely grateful for Japan’s ongoing partnership and support. As we discussed the exciting prospects of resuming collaborations and fostering long-term partnerships, it’s clear that the synergy between ARMAC and Japan is poised to embark on ventures that promise substantial impact, particularly in areas of innovation, technology, and excellence.
A special thank you to Mr. Shibasaki for his profound insights and significant contributions toward peace and stability in ASEAN. His remarkable work, including pivotal roles in ASEAN defense forums and meetings, continues to inspire and pave the way for meaningful cooperation.
Here’s to building a future that reflects our shared goals for a peaceful, prosperous, and secure region. Thank you, Japan, and thank you, Mr. Shibasaki, for your invaluable partnership and vision.
20 Mar
ARMAC extend the warmest congratulations to the Cambodia Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA)
The ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC), we extend our warmest congratulations to the Cambodia Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) on the successful launch of the Cambodia Mine Action Management Information System.
This significant achievement marks a pivotal advancement in mine action operations within Cambodia, showcasing a commitment to innovation and excellence.
We encourage all ASEAN Member States to draw inspiration from CMAA’s pioneering efforts and to continue striving for innovative solutions that enhance the safety and development of our communities. Together, we can achieve a mine-free ASEAN.
For further details, please refer to the original article [here](
20 Mar
ARMAC was honored to host Mr. Markus Sautter, Deputy Sales Director of Vallon GmbH Germany, at our Permanent Secretariat
Today, ARMAC was honored to host Mr. Markus Sautter, Deputy Sales Director of Vallon GmbH Germany, at our Permanent Secretariat. This visit marks a significant step towards fostering international collaboration and sharing innovative solutions in the realm of mine and UXO detection.
A Meeting of Minds and Missions
During this meeting, we delved into discussions about our shared vision and the potential for collaboration between ARMAC and Vallon GmbH.
Planning for Impactful Workshops
One of the key highlights of our discussions was the joint planning of international workshops in several member states. These workshops are envisioned as platforms for sharing innovative detection technologies and best practices among affected countries. By doing so, we aim to build capacity, improve safety protocols, and accelerate progress towards a mine-free world.
15 Mar
ARMAC had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Matthew Allen, First Secretary at the New Zealand Embassy in Bangkok, and Ms. Siritharin (Kaew) Chareonsiri
On March 14th, 2024, ARMAC had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Matthew Allen, First Secretary at the New Zealand Embassy in Bangkok, and Ms. Siritharin (Kaew) Chareonsiri, Senior Development Programme Coordinator.
This gathering was a significant moment for us, as it offered an opportunity to review the support we have received from New Zealand and to discuss future opportunities for collaboration.
We took this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks for New Zealand’s unwavering support to our sector. Their generous contributions have been instrumental in driving forward impactful initiatives and projects, providing both hope and inspiration to everyone involved.
New Zealand’s investment in our work is a clear demonstration of their commitment to making a real difference in the lives of those affected by mine action. Their support is the backbone of our efforts, enabling us to move forward with confidence and determination.
The prospect of future collaborations discussed during our meeting has filled us with optimism. Working together with New Zealand on innovative programs and projects promise to open new avenues for making a meaningful impact.
We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to Mr. Matthew Allen, Ms. Kaew Chareonsiri, and the entire team at the New Zealand Embassy for your dedication and support.
15 Mar
ARMAC had the honor of hosting a distinguished delegation from the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Indonesia
Today, we had the honor of hosting a distinguished delegation from the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Indonesia. The delegation was led by H.E. Mr. Jalal Mirzayev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Timor-Leste, and ASEAN and Mr. Musa Jafarov, Second Secretary. This courtesy visit marks a pivotal moment in fostering stronger ties and exploring potential collaborations between ARMAC and Azerbaijan, particularly in areas such as mine action and regional security.
Azerbaijan, a country celebrated for its rich cultural heritage and remarkable strides in socio-economic development, faces challenges such as landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO). Despite these hurdles, Azerbaijan’s resilience and dedication to advancing peace and prosperity are evident.
Our dialogue today centered around the mission of ARMAC, identifying avenues for collaboration in mine action, and reinforcing our shared commitment to regional peace and stability. We explored how Azerbaijan’s engagement with ASEAN and its member states can be further enhanced, focusing on opportunities for technical assistance, capacity building, and policy development.
We are enthusiastic about the potential of our cooperation and look forward to making collective strides towards a safer and more secure region.
A heartfelt thank you to H.E. Mr. Jalal Mirzayev, Mr. Musa Jafarov, and the entire Azerbaijani delegation for a fruitful meeting.
08 Mar
Ms. Rothna Buth Appointed as the First Female Executive Director of ARMAC
Phnom Penh, Cambodia – March 7, 2024 – On the event of International Women’s Day, the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) proudly announces the historic appointment of Rothna Buth as its new Executive Director. This marks a significant milestone as she becomes the first woman to hold this leadership position in the organization’s history. Her appointment, on the cusp of a day that celebrates the achievements of women worldwide, underscores ARMAC’s commitment to gender equality and inclusive leadership in the realm of humanitarian demining and explosive ordnance disposal.
Rothna Buth has demonstrated exceptional leadership and strategic vision in her previous roles in humanitarian demining efforts in Cambodia. Her extensive experience, including impactful contributions as the Country Operation Manager for the Humanitarian Research and Development Program (HD R and D), Country Director for The Sir Bobby Charlton Foundation and over a decade with MAG (Mines Advisory Group), has prepared her to lead ARMAC toward new horizons of excellence and effectiveness in mine action.
In her acceptance speech, Ms. Buth expressed her gratitude and vision for the future: “I am deeply grateful for the trust and confidence placed in me by the steering committee and the Kingdom of Cambodia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I dedicate my appointment as a testament to the strides we are making towards gender equality and the empowerment of women in leadership roles. I am committed to leveraging my expertise and dedicating all necessary resources to advance our shared goals. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in mine action, striving to create a safer, more prosperous future for all.”
The outgoing chair, H.E. Santo Darmosumarto, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Cambodia, reflected on Ms. Buth’s appointment: “In Ms. Rothna, we find not just a leader but a beacon of innovation and inclusivity, a pioneer who shatters ceilings and forges pathways for others to follow. Her leadership comes at a time when our mission’s need is as pressing as ever.”
The incoming chair, H.E. Buakeo Phumvongsay, Ambassador of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic to the Kingdom of Cambodia, also shared his enthusiasm: “Today marks not just a transition but a historic milestone for ARMAC as we welcome Ms. Rothna Buth. Her appointment heralds an era where inclusivity and diversity are celebrated. Under Ms. Buth’s stewardship, ARMAC is poised to enhance its role as the center of excellence, driving forward our mission to alleviate the sufferings of communities affected by landmines and explosive remnants of war.”
ARMAC, headquartered in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, plays a pivotal role in coordinating and facilitating cooperation among ASEAN Member States and various stakeholders to address the challenges posed by landmines and explosive remnants of war. With Ms. Buth at the helm, ARMAC is set to enhance its impact across the region, furthering its mission for a safer and more prosperous Southeast Asia.

For more information about ARMAC and its initiatives, please visit the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center

-The End-
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