
09 Feb
Regional Workshop on Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusive in ASEAN Mine Action

Regional Workshop on Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusive in ASEAN Mine Action

On 7-8 February 2024, in Siem Reap, Cambodia, ARMAC and GICHD together conducted a regional workshop on Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusion in ASEAN Mine Action. There are 25 (20 female) with National Mine Action Authorities, and national and international operators from Cambodia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and UN agency.
The regional workshop aims to help build capacity for gender and diversity mainstreaming by providing a platform for discussion around existing best practices and approaches in the region. Gender norms vary between contexts but there are many shared challenges and opportunities in Southeast Asia for leadership in this area, especially as Siem Reap is to host the upcoming Review Conference and 22nd Meeting of States Parties of the APMBC, with Cambodia in the role of President.
ARMAC is well-placed to provide a forum for knowledge-sharing across national authorities and other stakeholders in the region. This project is funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiative and German Humanitarian Assistance.
ARMAC is well-placed to provide a forum for knowledge-sharing across national authorities and other stakeholders in the region. This project is funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiative and German Humanitarian Assistance.


08 Oct
Inclusive Leadership Training in Mine Action

Inclusive Leadership Training in Mine Action

2-5 October 2023, Vang Vieng, Lao PDR:
The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) in partnership with the ASEAN Mine Action Centre (ARMAC) organised a Gender and Diversity Inclusive Leadership Training in Mine Action course for Mine Action managers in Southeast Asia from 2-5 October 2023. The training was made possible by the generous funding from the government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The course was primarily directed to the leadership of the Mine Action sector. More specifically, mid to senior level managers, aiming at enhancing Mine Action leadership’s commitment towards gender and diversity mainstreaming, and how that commitment could influence the creation of an enabling environment for mainstreaming activities, and thus better-informed interventions and responses. It is expected that the training would help the leadership teams within stakeholder organisations in the mine action sector to strengthen their capability for fostering inclusive workplaces, where gender, diversity, and inclusion are mainstreamed into work practices and decision-making processes. In addition, by attending this course, leaders and managers will learn how to apply a gender and diversity transformative approach, by which they act as agents of change for advancing gender equality and inclusive work environment in their respective organisations.
The training was held in person in a classroom setting and were divided into 5 modules: 1) Power and Abuse of Power, 2) Cultures and Organisational Cultures, 3) Governance and Inclusive Leadership, 4) Accountability and Inclusive Leadership and 5) Communicating as a Leader. Simultaneous interpretation from English to 5 different languages (Khmer, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laotian) were also provided.
29 Nov
Study Validation Workshop: Monitoring and Evaluation of Gender Equality and Inclusion in Mine Action

Study Validation Workshop: Monitoring and Evaluation of Gender Equality and Inclusion in Mine Action

The ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) organized a Study Validation Workshop: Monitoring and Evaluation of Gender Equality and Inclusion in Mine Action on 28-29 November at Sunway Hotel Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The workshop also presented ongoing progress on the development and validated the findings of an upcoming study on the mine action sector’s approach towards monitoring and evaluation of gender and diversity across ASEAN countries mine action programmes. The workshop was organized to ensure that findings and recommendations presented in the draft version of the study are fit for the purpose of supporting mine action entities in their efforts to enhance gender equality and inclusion.

The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) was commissioned to develop and write the study. The workshop is one of the deliverables under the project “Strengthen Gender Equality and Empowerment in Mine Action in the Mine/ETW affected ASEAN Member States” which is funded by the Government of Italy through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo).

Over 30 participants from national mine action authorities, national and international demining operators attended the hybrid event.

04 Aug
Workshop on Gender Equality and Inclusion

Workshop on Gender Equality and Inclusion

On 2-3 August, ARMAC staff participated in a 2-day workshop organized by the Cambodian Mine Action Authority and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining. The workshop aimed to strengthen the participants’ ability to mainstream gender and diversity considerations in their work. The workshop discussed concepts of gender norms and diversity in Cambodia, gender-age-disability data, and safeguarding awareness.

ARMAC supports an inclusive workplace and environment where women, men are given equal opportunities.

23 Oct
Gender Equality and Empowerment in ASEAN Mine/Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Action

REGIONAL WORKSHOP, Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic

21-22 October 2019, Vientiane, Lao PDR– The Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) alongside the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), with funding support from the Government of Canada through the Mission of Canada to ASEAN, and the Clearing for Results Project Cambodia, are pleased to launch the Regional Workshop on “Gender Equality and Empowerment in ASEAN Mine/Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Action”.

Held over two days, the Regional Workshop gathers together all 10 ASEAN Member States (AMS), including those both affected and non-affected by landmines, unexploded ordinance or ERW, to share methods on how to include gender approaches and perspectives into their national mine/ERW action activities. Crucially, the Workshop is designed to enable the participants to analyse their work in mine/ERW action through a gender and diversity lens, assessing how mine/ERW action projects and programmes are implemented with a consideration of gender aspects, and making sure that the priorities and capabilities of women, girls, boys, men and diverse groups are highlighted, and their needs are met.

Leading an essential component of the Regional Workshop, the GICHD emphasised that such events are crucial for the mine/ERW action sector as “with increased gender and diversity awareness and knowledge acquired through information-sharing events and other outreach activities, mine/ERW action operators will hopefully have the capacity and the will to effectively mainstream gender and diversity into their planning and activities.”

Beyond offering the AMS capacity building on gender mainstreaming in mine/ERW action (including some other relevant activities), the Regional Workshop also provides a platform for ASEAN countries to share their experiences, best practices and lessons learnt on integrating gender into their work.

Speaking at the event, Ms. Dwi Prameswari, Technical Officer for Mine Action at ARMAC, reiterated that “the Regional Workshop affords an opportunity to bring greater attention to the importance of gender and diversity aspects in mine/ERW action and other relevant programmes. By considering the inclusiveness of gender, the community will benefit from greater impacts and increased sustainability in future programmes. Further, as the Workshop achieved a gender balance in participants, it was encouraging to see both men and women from the ASEAN Member States sharing their knowledge, expertise and experience, and learning from each other on how to optimise gender mainstreaming in mine/ERW action.”

Funding the Regional Workshop through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives for the second time, the Mission of Canada to ASEAN emphasizes Canada’s commitment in developing and implementing gender-responsive approach towards mine action, as it is aligned with Canada’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) for the period 2017-2022. Canada supports mine action as part of its international development assistance and remains firmly committed to advancing the goals of the Ottawa Convention (Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention) and to achieving a world free of landmines by 2025.

05 Sep
Gender Equality and Empowerment in ASEAN Mine/Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Action

The ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center, the Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) with funding support from the Government of Canada (Mission of Canada to ASEAN) and the Clearing for Results Project, is pleased to announce the Regional Workshop, “Gender Equality and Empowerment in ASEAN Mine/Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Action” to be held 21-22 October 2019 in Vientiane, Lao PDR.

ARMAC, Lao PDR and Canada, along with other partners, are hosting the Regional Workshop with an aim to enhance ASEAN regional knowledge and cooperation on the issue of gender equality and empowerment. The Workshop aims:

▪️  To enhance participants’ knowledge on gender approaches and perspectives in Mine/ERW action programme activities including Mine/ERW clearance, Mine/ERW risk education and victim assistance.

▪️  To identify the challenges in implementing the gender approaches and perspectives; and recommend how to address these challenges

▪️  To share experiences and best practices on gender mainstreaming between ASEAN Member States.

To learn more about Canada’s contributions to ASEAN, visit the Canada and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Website.

(ARMAC, 05 September 2019)

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