
04 Jun
Our Executive Director, Ms. Rothna Buth, represented ARMAC at the prestigious 3rd International Conference on Mine Action themed “Mitigating Environmental Impact of Landmines: Resource Mobilization for Safe and Green Future in Baku, Azerbaijan
We are deeply honored that our Executive Director, Ms. Rothna Buth, represented ARMAC at the prestigious 3rd International Conference on Mine Action themed “Mitigating Environmental Impact of Landmines: Resource Mobilization for Safe and Green Future in Baku, Azerbaijan. This pivotal event united international leaders and experts to confront the critical environmental impacts of landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO).
Ms. Buth’s participation as a panelist on the Global Imperatives for Environmental Mitigation underscored our unwavering commitment to empowering communities through collaborative and innovative approaches. Her passionate remarks highlighted the urgent need for green humanitarian mine action, leveraging advanced technologies, and adopting sustainable practices to heal our land and safeguard our future.
We extend our profound gratitude to ANAMA and UNDP for their exceptional hospitality and for orchestrating such an impactful and successful conference. The connections forged and the knowledge exchanged at this event are vital strides toward our shared vision of a safer, greener world.
Together, we are not just clearing mines; we are restoring hope, rebuilding communities, and nurturing the environment for generations to come.
16 May
Our Executive Director and Project Manager joined over ninety participants from around forty entities linked to ASEAN, gathering to discuss key regional issues and collaborative opportunities
We were honored to participate in the 8th Forum of Entities associated with ASEAN at the ASEAN Headquarters today. Our Executive Director and Project Manager joined over ninety participants from around forty entities linked to ASEAN, gathering to discuss key regional issues and collaborative opportunities.
Secretary-General Dr. Kao Kim Hourn opened the Forum, emphasizing the growing importance of ASEAN Entities in transforming challenges into opportunities. His optimism about the Forum as a platform for fruitful discussions and cooperation resonates deeply with us at ARMAC.
Special thanks to the Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN, who shared insightful priorities under Lao PDR’s Chairmanship. The interactive discussions with Deputy Secretaries-General Dato’ Astanah Abdul Aziz and Nararya Soeprapto further highlighted the depth of engagement and commitment among ASEAN communities.
As we continue our mission, the insights gained from this day engagements are invaluable. We look forward to fostering stronger ties and more robust cooperation across all sectors to enhance peace and development in the region.
05 Apr
ARMAC Marks International Day for Mine Awareness with “Rising Stronger: Building Resilience in Mine-Affected Regions”
Siem Reap, Cambodia – April 8, 2024 – The ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC), a center of excellence under ASEAN political-security cooperation, is dedicated to addressing landmines and explosive remnants of war across ASEAN Member States. ARMAC celebrated the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action with the theme “Rising Stronger: Building Resilience in Mine-Affected Regions.”
This year’s theme symbolizes the collective commitment of the ASEAN Member States to confront the challenges posed by landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) across the region and beyond.
The International Day for Mine Awareness is committed to showcasing ongoing efforts and progress in mine eradication and highlighting the critical importance of resilience in areas impacted by landmines. It serves as a symbol of hope and action, aligning closely with ARMAC’s mission, guided by the leadership of Executive Director, Ms. Rothna Buth.
Held between April 3rd to 6th, the event gathered a diverse group of participants from the mine action community, including organizations specializing in mine clearance, landmine survivors, policymakers, and public supporters of mine action initiatives.
The four-day event, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, boasted an extensive agenda of activities. Highlights included internal discussions facilitated by ARMAC, tours of the APOPO Visitor Center, participation in the International Day for Mine Awareness event hosted by CMAA, visits to minefields being cleared by HALO Trust, a tour of the CMAC Peace Museum, and a strategic reflection session led by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Sister Denise Coghlan.
The event also featured appearances by H.E. Mr. Buakeo Phumvongsay, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic to the Kingdom of Cambodia, and
Chairman of the Steering Committee of the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre (ARMAC), and H.E. Dr. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister, First Vice President of CMAA and President of the Ottawa Convention 2024, representative of ASEAN memebers, representatives of Japan, Prince Foundation, among other esteemed guests.
Under Ms. Buth’s direction, the mission places a strong emphasis on inclusivity, gender equality, and the empowerment of women in the fields of humanitarian demining and explosive ordnance disposal.
Ms. Buth, Executive Director of ARMAC, stated, “In the face of adversity, we rise stronger together. Our dedication to mine action extends beyond clearing landmines; it is about cultivating resilient communities and creating a future untouched by the scars of conflict.”
Looking ahead, this event is poised to influence future mine action initiatives, fostering insights and strategic discussions among participants. It represents not merely a celebration but a critical juncture for ARMAC to push forward its objectives of ensuring safety, development, and resilience in mine-affected areas.
About ARMAC:
Headquartered in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, ARMAC plays a crucial role in coordinating and facilitating cooperation among ASEAN Member States and various stakeholders to tackle the challenges presented by landmines and explosive remnants of war. ARMAC is committed to magnifying its impact throughout the region, furthering its mission towards a safer and more prosperous Southeast Asia.
10 Sep
The 2nd High-Level Regional Meeting on ” Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Resource Mobilization in ASEAN in Mine/ERW Action”

Nanjing, China PRC:

On 7-9 September 2023, ARMAC in coordination with the ministry of foreign affairs (MFA) of the People’s Republic of China (China PRC) co-hosted the 2nd High-Level Regional Dialogue under the theme, “Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Resource Mobilization capacity in Mine/ERW Action in ASEAN” in Nanjing city, China PRC. The dialogue was followed by a Technology and Equipment Exhibitions organized by Shanghai Emerging Science and Technology Institute.

The dialogue was made possible by the generous support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the People’s Republic of China. The meeting was attended by high-ranking members of the diplomatic community and representatives from the National Mine Action Authorities/centers of the affected-ASEAN Member States (AMS), representatives of ARMAC Steering Committee, representative from ASEAN Secretariat, UNDP, UNMAS, and Canada to learn/share the successes, challenges, best practices, national strategies in implementing mine action programmes, as well as to provide the opportunity for affected AMS and their respective counterparts to further enhance bilateral/multilateral cooperation for mobilizing resources.

The dialogue was presided over by Minister Counsellor/Charge d’affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Beijing, MR. IRWANSYAH MUKHLIS, on behalf of the Chair of 2023 ARMAC Steering Committee (ARMAC SC) and co-chaired by ARMAC Executive Director Mr. PRUM SUONPRASETH and Mr. MA SHENKUN, Deputy Director General of the Department of Arms Control of the MFA of China PRC.
In his welcoming remarks, Mr. MA SHENKUN underscored that China PRC has always listed ASEAN as a key target of demining assistance and cooperation, and has done its utmost to provide assistance within its capacity and supported the project “Enhancing ASEAN’s Regional Cooperation and Resource Allocation Capacity in Mine Clearance” to help implement the ASEAN Political and Security Community Blueprint 2025 with practical actions. He further added that China was committed to working with affected ASEAN countries to continue to build a peaceful homeland in accordance with the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two sides, promote the development of the China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership, build a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future, and contribute to peace and development in the ASEAN region.
Addressing the dialogue, Mr. Prum Suonpraseth, Executive Director of ARMAC, started by extending his appreciation to the Government of the People’s Republic of China, for sponsoring this event, and for taking an ever-increasing interest ad active engagement in humanitarian mine action work and cooperation within the ASEAN region. ARMAC ED further stated that, “the dialogue demonstrates the commitment towards deepening China-ASEAN multilateral cooperations, demonstrating the strength of regional partnership and solidarity. The partnership between ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center with the Government of the People Republic of China a partnership of immense importance which is rooted in our common aspiration and shared value for the cause of Humanitarian Mine Action. The dialogue would serve as a key platform for ensuring progress, prosperity, sustainability of Humanitarian Mine Action in the ASEAN region and for advancement of partnership framework on cooperation and resource mobilization in affected AMS thru bilateral or multilateral mechanism with other governments of AMS, international and regional donors.” He further added that, “traditional financing has been a critical issue in our sector in the affected AMS. As such, using innovative financing or exploring non-traditional financing for the sector could provide an alternative solution to the financing gaps. And while technology and innovation continue to emerge and play important role in speeding up mine action work, initiatives on how to balance and align this advancement to other relevant aspects in the sector should also be visited, for example the need to balance and address environmental issues, aging workforce in the sector and how to expand our scope in formulating standard approaches to using technology between countries and within the region, in mitigating risks for destruction and detonation, and in advocating for adopting practices that are not only sustainable but are also mindful of available resources.
In his opening remarks, the Chair of ARMAC SC highlighted that, “Indonesia would like to see a resilient ASEAN and become a barometer for cooperation that would contribute to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and world. With this spirit, Indonesia takes up a theme of “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth”. Indonesia puts its priority deliverables under 3 pillars: (i) ASEAN matters, (ii) Epicentrum of Growth, and (iii) implementation of the ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific (AOIP). Under these 3 pillars, Indonesia is determined to make ASEAN important and relevant for the people of ASEAN and beyond, including to actively carry out peace and humanitarian diplomacy. Along with ASEAN Political-Security Blueprint 2025 and ASEAN Leaders’ Statement on the Establishment of an ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center, Indonesia sees the need to support ARMAC as a platform of regionalism and multilateralism. It has successfully carved out a niche for itself in the region and provided the foundation for cooperation in humanitarian mine action (HMA) in the region. ARMAC’s role today is perhaps more important than ever before given the geopolitical challenges and uncertainties that we are facing. In addition, Indonesia has a high commitment to demining in global level and has ratified the Ottawa Convention in 2006 and actively carried out demining process under UN peacekeeping operations in Lebanon and Democratic Republic of Congo”.
The Chair added that the dialogue served to enhance the cooperation by strengthening dialogue and practical cooperation in humanitarian assistance and maintaining regional peace, security and stability collectively and as a platform for affected AMS to propose new and innovative projects to a high-level international audience. Also, the event was timely and as funding to the HMA sector is facing challenges with competing priorities and arising conflicts in other parts of the world.
Mine action is always at the forefront of efforts to rebuild lives and communities in the affected AMS. Despites the conflicts have been over years ago, these remnants of war continue to cause casualties to innocent civilian and hinder socio-economic and infrastructure development. The impacts of conflict have not only left thousands of survivors but also family members of non-survivor or known as indirect victims in need of ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, psychosocial support and facilitation to overcome the countless barriers to accessing necessary services, as well as school, employment and community life.
14 Dec
High-Level Regional Meeting on ” Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Resource Mobilization in ASEAN Mine/ERW Action”

On 12 December 2022, ARMAC hosted the High-Level Meeting on “Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Resource Mobilization in ASEAN Mine/ERW Action” in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The meeting was made possible by the generous support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the People’s Republic of China and follows from two technical working groups on this topic, hosted by ARMAC in 2021 and 2022.
The meeting was attended by high-ranking members of the diplomatic community and representatives from the National Mine Action Authorities of the affected-ASEAN Member States (AMS) and co-chaired by ARMAC Executive Director Mr. Prum Suonpraseth and Director/Counsellor Mr. Liu Zhijie of China PRC. The meeting provided a platform for AMS to propose new and innovative projects to a high-level international audience.

25 Oct
Environmental Impact Management in Mine Action Workshop

Environmental Impact Management in Mine Action Workshop

Today ARMAC, together with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), hosted Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) Organisations from around the ASEAN region in the Environmental Impact Management in Mine Action Workshop – the first of its kind in the region. The workshop is being held in Siem Reap over two days, and brings together international experts and practitioners to share best practices to ensure HMA actors take all reasonable steps to reduce the environmental impact of their activities. In opening the workshop, H.E. Ung Rachana, Chairman of the Steering Committee of ARMAC, underscored the importance of environmental management consideration, and one which would “require collective efforts to promote policy dialogue, research, capacity building, and scaling up and replicating of good practices across the ASEAN region”.

05 Jul
ARMAC Strategy Stakeholder Workshop

Hanoi, Viet Nam

On the 5th of July, ARMAC held its strategy stakeholder meeting in Hanoi, Viet Nam. The meeting drew representatives from over 8 government and non-government organizations to provide inputs into the preparation of ARMAC’s first five-year strategic plan.

The meeting is the third of a series of workshops that will encompass stakeholders across mine-affected AMSs. A special session meeting is taking place on 11 July where the outcome from the country consultations will be one of the key points to be discussed.

The goal of ARMAC is to reduce the impact of landmines and explosive remnants of war throughout the region through enhanced awareness in communities, victim assistance, and the sharing of knowledge amongst AMSs.

30 Jun
ARMAC 2nd Strategy Stakeholder Workshop

Bangkok, Thailand

On the 30th of June, ARMAC held its second strategy stakeholder meeting in Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop drew representatives from over 10 government and non-government organizations to provide inputs into the preparation of ARMAC’s first five-year strategic plan.

The meeting is the second of a series of workshops that will encompass stakeholders across mine-affected AMSs. The next workshop will be held in Hanoi, Viet Nam during the first week of July. The goal of ARMAC is to reduce the impact of landmines and explosive remnants of war throughout the region through enhanced awareness in communities, victim assistance, and the sharing of knowledge amongst AMSs.

07 Jun
ARMAC held its inaugural strategy stakeholder meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

On the 7th of June, ARMAC held its inaugural strategy stakeholder meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The workshop drew representatives from over 15 government and non-government organizations to provide input into the preparation of ARMAC’s first five-year strategic plan.

The meeting is the first of a series of workshops that will encompass stakeholders across mine-affected ASEAN Member States (AMSs). The next workshop will be held in Thailand at the end of the month followed by Viet Nam in early July. The goal of ARMAC is to reduce the impact of landmines and explosive remnants of war throughout the region through enhanced awareness in communities, victim assistance, and the sharing of knowledge amongst AMSs.

07 Apr
Philippines Mine Action Stakeholders Workshop

Philippines Mine Action Stakeholders Workshop

A workshop hosted in Phnom Penh aimed at sharing knowledge to assist the Philippines to enhance their explosive hazards management capacity concluded on Thursday. The event was proclaimed a ‘resounding success’ by Mr. Prum Suonpraseth, Executive Director of the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC), which co-hosted the event with the Fondation Suisse de Déminage (FSD) France, and the Philippine Campaign to Ban Landmines.

This event has brought together representatives from mine action programs from around the ASEAN member states to share their considerable knowledge and experience with our neighbors from the Philippines who are in the midst of developing their own explosive hazard management mechanisms, particularly in Western Mindanao. It resulted in a detailed road map of possible future policy, operational and capacity development activities to be considered by the Philippines authorities. Mr Suonpraseth stated.

The workshop which ran for two and a half days, was opened with an address by H.E. Mr. Ly Thuch, Vice President 1 and Senior Minister, Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, who was joined by H.E. Ms. Amelita Aquino, Ambassador of the Philippines to Cambodia and H.E. Mr. Hussein Munoz, Minister and Member of Parliament, Ministry of Public Order and Safety, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).
H.E Mr. Ly Thuch stated: We often speak of regional cooperation, and today represents a tangible demonstration and a firm commitment to such cooperation. I recall back in 2012, Cambodia initiated the idea of establishing a Regional Humanitarian Mine Action Centre, mindful that the maintenance of human security is an integral part of the ASEAN Community Building efforts. Thus, ARMAC was created in line with the spirit of the APSC Blueprint that seeks to ensure that all member states of ASEAN, and indeed, all sectors of the society, benefit from the ASEAN process.
The workshop featured presentations from the national mine action authorities of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, and Vietnam, focusing on international best practice and lessons learned in the establishment of national and regional coordination mechanisms. There was also a case study presented on the development of the Afghanistan mine action program over the past twenty years.
This type of knowledge sharing is exactly the type of regional cooperation that ARMAC was founded for. Mr. Suonpraseth added.

The workshop was focused on the Bangsamoro Region of Western Mindanao Island which has suffered from of decades of conflict, before a peace process between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front concluded in 2014 with the Comprehensive Agreement on Bangsamoro. As a result of the conflict, items of unexploded ordnance still remain littered around the region, posing an ongoing hazard to the local inhabitants.
The workshop was funded by the European Union.

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