
27 Jan
Meeting with H.E. Mr. Patrick Murphy, Ambassador of the United States (U.S) Embassy in Phnom Penh

Meeting with H.E. Mr. Patrick Murphy, Ambassador of the United States (U.S) Embassy in Phnom Penh

On 27 January 2021, ARMAC was delighted to receive H.E. Mr. Patrick Murphy, the United States (US) Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia, for a meeting with the Chair of the Steering Committee of ARMAC and Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to the Kingdom of Cambodia, H.E. Mr. Pengiran Kasmirhan Pengiran Tahir, and the Executive Director of ARMAC, Mr. Prum Suonpraseth.

ARMAC thanks Ambassador Murphy for his visit to ARMAC Permanent Secretariat, and welcome the US longstanding commitment to address landmines/explosive remnants of war (ERW) issues in Cambodia and the ASEAN region.

Moving forward, ARMAC looks forward to strengthen the joint efforts with the US Government in this matter.

26 Nov
Meeting with Resident Representative Mr. Nick Beresford of the UNDP in Cambodia

On 26 November 2020, ARMAC had the great opportunity to visit Resident Representative Nick Beresford of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Cambodia.

ARMAC took this opportunity to thank the UNDP for accepting the invitation to join Friends of ARMAC (FOA), and looks forward to the inaugural reception of FOA on 10 December 2020. ARMAC and UNDP wish to pursue further regional collaboration and partnership to achieve the common goal of ending threats from landmines and explosive remnants of war.

19 Nov
Meeting with H.E. Mr. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister and the First Vice President of the CMAA

On 19 November 2020, ARMAC had the great opportunity to pay a courtesy visit to HE Mr. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister and the First Vice President of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority.

Both parties enjoyed past cooperation and wish to pursue further collaboration and partnership to achieve the common goal of ending threats from landmines and explosive remnants of war in Cambodia and the region.

ARMAC is very grateful to the governments of the ASEAN Members for supporting the Center in order to collectively tackle the humanitarian aspects of landmines and ERW through an integrated approach of experiences sharing, skills training and other capacity building activities.

29 Nov
ARMAC had the great pleasure and honour of welcoming H.E. Diedrah Kelly, Ambassador of the Mission of Canada to ASEAN to our headquarters in Phnom Penh

Welcoming H.E. Diedrah Kelly, Ambassador of the Mission of Canada to ASEAN

Today ARMAC had the great pleasure and honour of welcoming H.E. Diedrah Kelly, Ambassador of the Mission of Canada to ASEAN to our headquarters in Phnom Pehn.
The visit provided us the opportunity to thank Canada, and the Ambassador, for their strong commitment to mine action, as well as their support in funding ARMAC’s Regional Workshop for the second consecutive year.
Canada has been an #ASEAN Dialogue Partner since 1977 and ARMAC is proud of the strong relationship we have forged through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives framework. We echo Canada’s dedication to peace and security, and we hope to continue our collaboration in mine action well into the future.
28 Nov
ARMAC had the pleasure to host a meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross – Cambodia and mine-ex, a Rotary Group from Switzerland
Recently ARMAC had the pleasure to host a meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross – Cambodia and mine-ex, a Rotary Group from Switzerland who has been supporting mine action in #Cambodia for over 25 years!
During the meeting we spoke about ARMAC’s role in ASEAN and highlighted some of our past and upcoming programmes.
Speaking to dedicated partners who are committed to supporting mine action is always a priority for us, and we look forward to further collaboration in the future.
15 Aug
Meeting with Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Myanmar

Following on from the Mine Risk Education Consultative Meeting that occurred earlier this week in Myanmar, ARMAC also had the great pleasure to join a meeting with H.E. Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Myanmar

Through collaborative meetings with key partners such as this ARMAC hopes to deepen ties and strengthen outcomes with all interested ASEAN Member States. Our sincere thanks to Myanmar for a successful visit!

(ARMAC 15 August 2019)

11 Jul
Meeting with Delegates from the Republic of Korea

Recently, ARMAC had the great privilege to host a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea and the Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN at our headquarters in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

The meeting provided the opportunity to discuss ARMAC’s upcoming project which is pending approval, titled “Enhance Victim Assistance Programme in the ASEAN Member States”.

Also discussed was ARMAC’s current and previous contributions to the region and how we are working with ASEAN Member States to strengthen the mine action sector.

04 Jun
ARMAC Welcomes Cadets From Thailand

Today, ARMAC had the great pleasure to welcome thirty three cadets from the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy (CRMA) based in the Kingdom of Thailand to our headquarters in Phnom Penh. The visit gave the cadets an opportunity to learn about the role of ARMAC and how we assist ASEAN Member States in mine action.

(ARMAC 04 June 2019)

01 Apr
Appreciation of Turkey’s Contribution to ARMAC

Appreciation of Turkey’s Contribution to ARMAC

ARMAC would like to thank the T.C. Punom Pen Büyükelçiliği / Turkish Embassy in Phnom Penh for their generous funding support that enabled ARMAC to purchase essential office equipment and enhance our work! We very much appreciate Turkey’s strong commitment to mine action.

06 Mar
11th Coordinating Conference for the ASEAN Political-Security Community…

11th Coordinating Conference for the ASEAN Political-Security Community

ARMAC had the pleasure and privilege to attend the 11th Coordinating Conference for the ASEAN Political-Security Community (11th ASCCO). The meeting was attended by all ASEAN Member States, Sectoral Bodies and a number of entities associated with ASEAN.

To date an impressive 89% of action lines under the ASEAN Political Security Community (APSC) Blueprint 2025 have been implemented in 2018, with ASEAN fully committed to implement the remaining lines by 2025.

(ARMAC 06 March 2019)

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