
05 Mar
Meeting with the New Zealand Ambassador to ASEAN

ARMAC recently met the New Zealand Ambassador to ASEAN, H.E. Ms. Pam Dunn, to share ARMAC’s programme activities in 2019-2021, as well as to learn about New Zealand’s Plan of Action to ASEAN.

Mine action continues to be an area which New Zealand aims to support throughout the ASEAN region and the world. Thus, both ARMAC and New Zealand aim to explore further opportunities to work together in addressing the effects of mines and explosive remnants of war.

28 Jan
Meeting with the Chair and Vice-Chair of ARMAC’s 2019 Steering Committee

Today, the ARMAC Permanent Secretariat led by Mr. Ly Panharith, Executive Director, met with the Chair and Vice Chairs of the ARMAC Steering Committee to discuss the Center’s priorities for the new year.

H.E. Mr. Panyarak Poolthup, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Kingdom of Cambodia and new Chair of the Steering Committee of ARMAC for 2019, led the meeting and was joined by the Vice Chairs representing Cambodia and Viet Nam.

The meeting outlined ARMAC’s future plans and goals, and how the Center aims to continue in its mission to support mine action in the ASEAN Region.

14 Dec
ARMAC Hosts a Meeting with a Delegation from Norway

Today, ARMAC had the pleasure to host a meeting with a delegation from Norway led by H.E. Mr. Hans Brattskar, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations and the 2019 President of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention. H.E. Mr. Brattskar was accompanied by H.E. Ms. Kjersti Rødsmoen, Ambassador of Norway to Thailand and Ambassador-designate to Cambodia, as well as Mr. Aksel Steen-Nilsen, Country Director of Thailand and Cambodia Norwegian People’s Aid – Humanitarian Disarmament.

The meeting discussed Norway’s extensive contributions to the mine action sector and highlighted its continuing commitment to the ASEAN region. Also discussed was how ARMAC could pave the way for closer cooperation between ASEAN Member States, international organisations and local stakeholders.

ARMAC greatly appreciates the efforts of H.E. Mr. Hans Brattskar in focusing global attention on mine action and wishes him a successful presidency.

(ARMAC 14 December 2018)

14 Nov
ARMAC Announces Its 2018 Regional Workshop

The ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center, with funding support from the Government of Canada, is pleased to announce its inaugural Regional Workshop, “Enhance mine action knowledge and promote future platforms for mine action knowledge sharing for ASEAN Member States” to be held 12-14 November 2018 in Siem Reap Cambodia.

From left to right: Mr. Ly Panharith, Executive Director of ARMAC. Ms. Allison Stewart, Chargé d’affaires, Office of the Embassy of Canada. H.E. Marie-Louise Hannan, Ambassador of Canada to ASEAN. Ms. Dwi Prameswari, Technical Officer of  Mine Action, ARMAC.

The Workshop is an invite only event which aims to enhance regional capacity and cooperation to effectively and efficiently address the issue of mines and explosive remnants of war in the ASEAN region. It will bring together ASEAN Member States, Donor Countries, mine action organisations/institutions, the ASEAN Secretariat and selected ASEAN academic institutions to:

  • Exchange the latest trends, knowledge, experiences and expertise in mine action.
  • Promote the development of future programmes including relevant mine action conferences and events.
  • Promote future collaboration in the area of research and development.
  • Assess the needs and resources required to develop training programmes for ASEAN.

For more information about the Regional Workshop, please visit ARMAC’s 2018 Regional Workshop Website.

(ARMAC, 09 June 2021)

16 Oct
Victim Assistance Stakeholders Share Their Work in Health and Rehabilitation

Today, ARMAC had the opportunity to host a meeting, in collaboration with SingHealth, on the “Assessment on the Needs and Resources for Mine/Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Victim Assistance in Cambodia”. The meeting drew together a range of stakeholders and experts working across the health, disability and mine action sectors, with the aim to showcase and discuss the current status of psychosocial and physical rehabilitation services offered to mine/ERW victims and other persons with disabilities in Cambodia.

07 Aug
ED’s Courtesy Meeting with Ambassador Jane Duke of the Australian Mission to ASEAN

The Executive Director of the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) paid a courtesy meeting to Ambassador Jane Duke, Australian Mission to ASEAN, in Jakarta, on 7 August 2018. Executive Director Panharith took this opportunity to extend his gratitude for the Australian Government’s support, particularly in terms of providing Australian Volunteers to assist ARMAC in its daily operations. Both the Executive Director and the Ambassador looked forward to any potential collaborative opportunities between ARMAC and Australia in the near future.

07 Aug
ARMAC Strengthens Ties to ASEAN

JAKARTA, 07 August 2018 – The Executive Director of the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) paid a courtesy meeting to H.E. Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan, Deputy Secretary-General for ASEAN Political-Security Community, and H.E. Dr. AKP Mochtan, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for Community and Corporate Affairs at the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta.

During the meeting, Deputy Secretaries-General congratulated ARMAC for the achievements made during its full operationalisation since the end of 2017 and conveyed that the ASEAN Secretariat will stand ready.

Having been established as an ASEAN entity through the ASEAN Leader’s Statement at the 21st ASEAN Summit, it is apt for ARMAC to actively engage with the ASEAN Secretariat on possible collaborative opportunities and any strategic planning and directives to elevate ARMAC’s profile. Ultimately, it is hoped that ARMAC’s ongoing efforts and achievements will further contribute to building a cohesive, peaceful, stable and resilient region for the ASEAN community.

19 Jun
Meeting with Embassy of Germany

Executive Director of ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) hosted the visit of Ms. Daniela Dempf, First Secretary and Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Germany in Cambodia, to the ARMAC Permanent Secretariat on 19 June 2018. Ms. Daniela Dempf gave an appreciation of full operationalisation of ARMAC in the year of 2018 with clear mandate and function.”

15 Jan
Meeting with HaloTrust

ARMAC hosted a meeting between HaloTrust and the ARMAC permanent secretariat on 15 January 2018. The meeting was a courtesy call to ARMAC and HaloTrust congratulated the Executive Director of ARMAC for his involvement in ARMAC’s operationalisation. The meeting started with a brief introduction from the participants and proceeded with the presentation on ARMAC’s establishment, structure and implementation progress. Both parties hope for further development of strategy, action plans and programmes in the future.

Mr. Matthew said HaloTrust has been established in Cambodia since 1991 – working with UNCHR to conduct surveys. Currently there are 1000 local staff working in specific areas in Cambodia and 3 (three) expats. Among this 1000 staff, 800 staff focus on mine clearance and 200 others work on the disposal of ordnance/stockpiles, surveys, and MRE. In Cambodia, the selection of areas to be cleared is decided by the National Authority, CMAA. The funding received by HaloTrust comes from various donors, such as the USA, UK, Germany and Ireland. HaloTrust looks forward to having more consolidated funding mechanisms for more efficient mine action programmes conducted in the country.

In the ASEAN region, HaloTrust currently has a presence in Lao PDR and Myanmar also. Mr. Matthew expressed interest for collaboration with ARMAC, specifically regarding cross-border demining coordination.

10 Jan
Meeting with Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)

ARMAC hosted a meeting with NPA lead by Mr. Steiner Essen, Head of NPA’s Humanitarian Disarmament Department.

NPA suggested that ARMAC should communicate with other centres, donors and development partners such as GICHD and UNDP for further collaboration. Mr. Ly Panharith, ARMAC’s Executive Director conveyed the need for technical assistance and capacity building related to mine action in general. Both parties agreed to explore specific cooperation opportunities in detail.

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