Celebrating the Success of the Training of Trainer (T.o.T) program for the Psychosocial Support Training Session 5!

29 Apr
 Celebrating the Success of the Training of Trainer (T.o.T) program for the Psychosocial Support Training Session 5!
We’re thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of our Train the Trainer program in Siem Reap! Over the past five days, participants from medical professionals to community leaders have immersed themselves in intensive training sessions, acquiring invaluable skills to provide psychosocial support to victims of explosive ordnance incidents.
Key Achievements:
Enhanced Knowledge: Participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the psychosocial impact of landmines and mental health conditions, equipping them with the tools to make a meaningful difference in their communities.
Practical Skills: Through interactive exercises and role-playing scenarios, trainers honed their communication, active listening, and psychological first aid skills, ensuring they are well-prepared to support individuals in distress.
Building Networks: The training fostered collaboration and knowledge-sharing among participants, paving the way for future partnerships in advancing victim assistance programs across ASEAN Member States.
Making a Difference: As we bid farewell to Siem Reap, we carry with us a renewed commitment to building resilient communities and providing compassionate support to those affected by explosive ordnance incidents. Together, we’re creating a brighter, safer future for all.
A heartfelt thank you to our partners, trainers, participants, and generous donors, including the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund, for their unwavering support and commitment to our mission. Your contributions have been instrumental in making this training program a resounding success!
Let’s continue to work hand in hand towards our shared vision of a landmine-free ASEAN!
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