Day 1: In-Depth Discussions on Mental Health

18 Sep
Day 1: In-Depth Discussions on Mental Health
Yesterday marked the beginning of ARMAC’s sixth Psychosocial Support Training of Trainers (T.O.T) in partnership with SingHealth! We are honored to welcome healthcare professionals from across the region to Phnom Penh for five transformative days of learning and collaboration.
The first day kicked off with insightful discussions and practical learning, focusing on mental health services for explosive ordnance survivors. Guided by our dedicated trainers from SingHealth, the morning session centered on improving access to mental health care through joint discussions between psychiatrists, Ministry of Health representatives, and community members. The dialogue identified gaps in care and explored strategies for better integration of services.
In the afternoon, groups tackled key topics such as the psychosocial impact of trauma, with the psychology group covering depression and anxiety, while the psychiatry group focused on leadership and mentorship development. Participants actively engaged in role-play exercises, practicing therapeutic techniques and sharing real-life examples to enhance their skills.
A heartfelt thank you to the Government of the Republic of Korea and the ASEAN Korean Cooperation Fund (AKCF) for their generous support in funding this project.
Stay tuned for more as we continue to explore trauma management and mental health strategies.
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