Online Psychosocial Support Training, Session 2
16 June 2022, Phnom Penh,
With generous funding support from the ASEAN-Korean Cooperation Fund, ARMAC’s Victim Assistance (VA) Project in collaboration with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA), Singapore Health Services (SingHealth) and academic institutes once again hosted the online session on Psychosocial Support Training. The second session was primarily targeted for nursing, medical, midwifery, and prosthetics and orthotics students .
The session focused on understanding the aspects of trauma with trainees exploring different types of reactions caused by trauma. Trainees also learned to differentiate between Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) based from symptoms. Recovery stages from burns and trauma intervention such as trauma informed care principles were also introduced as they could be used as tools for future practice .
A total of 70 students from International University (IU), University of Health Sciences (UHS), Chenla University, and the National Institute of Social Affairs attended the session. Dr. Evelyn Boon, Senior Principal Psychologist, led the discussion. The next session will explore and discuss further on PTSD and self-care.