Victim Assistance (VA)
Enhance Victim Assistance Programme in the ASEAN Member States (AMS).
Ongoing, 11 January 2021-10 January 2024
Venue (tbc)
Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam and Republic of Korea
Partners (tbc)
Republic of Korea (through ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund) SingHealth
- To promote the establishment of victim assistance network as a regional platform for various stakeholders among ASEAN.
- To assist the ASEAN Member States (AMS) on the victim-assistance-related knowledge sharing, need/s and resource/s assessment and possibility of its mobilization.
- To assess the needs of the victims of ERW (mine/UXO) in the affected AMS for further assistance.
- To assist the ASEAN Member States (AMS) in providing psychosocial supports to the victims of ERW (mine/UXO).
- To conduct research regarding the “ERW (Mine/UXO) Victim Assistance Inclusive Services in Cambodia,” as well as “Community Perspectives of Humanitarian ERW (Mine/UXO) Action in Laos and Viet Nam”.
The project will cover a series of consultative meetings (which will be conducted in the affected AMS i.e. Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam, to further discuss and gather inputs at national level, to develop the Terms of Reference of the network and to link up with other relevant national networks.
Three regional workshops will be organised under this project. The first workshop will be to share knowledge on victim assistance and at the same time gather inputs to establish the regional victim assistance network. The remaining two workshops will be post-establishment of the victim assistance network. The network members will be the primary participants to share knowledge and discuss their challenges, needs and resources.
In addition to both consultative meetings and regional workshops, clinical assessments will be organised alongside the Train-the-Trainer (ToT) programme to build capabilities of clinical, nurse specialists and allied health professionals in psychological and psychiatric interventions and support for victims of ERW (mine/UXO). Lastly, two academic researches on the “ERW (Mine/UXO) Victim Assistance Inclusive Services in Cambodia,” as well as “Community Perspectives of Humanitarian ERW (Mine/UXO) Action in Laos and Viet Nam” will be conducted to help advance knowledge and enhance social development, conducting an academic research is important given both its findings of current practices and its recommendations.