
22 Feb
The Working Visit of H.E. Mr. Lee Jang-Keun, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN

A Warm Welcome H.E. Mr. Lee Jang-Keun to ARMAC

On the 20th of February 2024, the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) was privileged to host His Excellency Mr. Lee Jang-Keun, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN. Ms. Rothna Buth, ARMAC’s newly appointed Executive Director, and the ARMAC team delivered a comprehensive briefing highlighted the center’s pivotal initiatives, notably the Victim Assistance Project “Enhance Victim Assistance program in the ASEAN member states” generously funded by #ASEANKoreaCooperationFund.
The Ambassador’s recognition of ARMAC’s efforts towards supporting landmine and ERW victims, and enhancing the Victim Assistance Network, underscores the significant role of ARMAC in fostering ASEAN-Korea cooperation in humanitarian Mine Action. This collaboration is instrumental in advancing our shared objectives of safety and development within the ASEAN region.
The Republic of Korea’s continued support is invaluable, reflecting a deep commitment to humanitarian assistance and regional stability. As we acknowledge this partnership, we reaffirm our dedication to a future where the ASEAN community is free from the threats of landmines and ERW, bolstered by the solidarity and support of the Republic of Korea.
09 Feb
Regional Workshop on Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusive in ASEAN Mine Action

Regional Workshop on Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusive in ASEAN Mine Action

On 7-8 February 2024, in Siem Reap, Cambodia, ARMAC and GICHD together conducted a regional workshop on Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusion in ASEAN Mine Action. There are 25 (20 female) with National Mine Action Authorities, and national and international operators from Cambodia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and UN agency.
The regional workshop aims to help build capacity for gender and diversity mainstreaming by providing a platform for discussion around existing best practices and approaches in the region. Gender norms vary between contexts but there are many shared challenges and opportunities in Southeast Asia for leadership in this area, especially as Siem Reap is to host the upcoming Review Conference and 22nd Meeting of States Parties of the APMBC, with Cambodia in the role of President.
ARMAC is well-placed to provide a forum for knowledge-sharing across national authorities and other stakeholders in the region. This project is funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiative and German Humanitarian Assistance.
ARMAC is well-placed to provide a forum for knowledge-sharing across national authorities and other stakeholders in the region. This project is funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiative and German Humanitarian Assistance.


31 Jan
Regional Workshop on Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusion in ASEAN Mine Action

Regional Workshop on Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusion  in ASEAN Mine Action


With support from Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) and, in-kind and co-fund support from the German Federal Foreign Office through the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), ARMAC aims to invite relevant organisations to share experiences and best practices on gender and diversity mainstreaming approaches in mine action, as well as to facilitate discussion on gender and diversity in the upcoming Siem Reap Action Plan of the APMBC. This will likely be facilitated by trainers from the GICHD’s Inclusive Risk Reduction Division over two days in February 2024 (Siem Reap, Cambodia).


The workshop will likely cover the following suggested topics:

  • Introduction to Gender and Diversity
  • Gender & Diversity Mainstreaming in Mine Action: Practical Guidance
  • Gender & Diversity in Strategic Planning and Information Management: Role of the National Authority
  • Gender & Diversity in National Mine Action Standards and Quality Management
  • How to address gender and diversity in the upcoming Siem Reap Action Plan of the APMBC
15 Dec
The 13th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus Experts’ Working Group on Humanitarian Mine Action (13th ADMM-Plus EWG on HMA)
13-14 December 2023, Nanjing, PR China:
At the invitation of the Ministry of National Defense of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of National Defense of the Kingdom of Cambodia, ARMAC Executive Director, Mr. Prum Suonpraseth attended the 13th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus Experts’ Working Group on Humanitarian Mine Action (13th ADMM-Plus EWG on HMA). The meeting provided ample opportunity for ARMAC to promote its regional mandates, enhance further cooperation as well as share its view on civil-military cooperation on humanitarian mine action in the region. The meeting also witnessed the handover of the co-chairmanship from Cambodia-PR China to Russian Federation and Lao PDR for the next ADMM-Plus EWG on HMA cycle 2024-2026.
08 Oct
Inclusive Leadership Training in Mine Action

Inclusive Leadership Training in Mine Action

2-5 October 2023, Vang Vieng, Lao PDR:
The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) in partnership with the ASEAN Mine Action Centre (ARMAC) organised a Gender and Diversity Inclusive Leadership Training in Mine Action course for Mine Action managers in Southeast Asia from 2-5 October 2023. The training was made possible by the generous funding from the government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The course was primarily directed to the leadership of the Mine Action sector. More specifically, mid to senior level managers, aiming at enhancing Mine Action leadership’s commitment towards gender and diversity mainstreaming, and how that commitment could influence the creation of an enabling environment for mainstreaming activities, and thus better-informed interventions and responses. It is expected that the training would help the leadership teams within stakeholder organisations in the mine action sector to strengthen their capability for fostering inclusive workplaces, where gender, diversity, and inclusion are mainstreamed into work practices and decision-making processes. In addition, by attending this course, leaders and managers will learn how to apply a gender and diversity transformative approach, by which they act as agents of change for advancing gender equality and inclusive work environment in their respective organisations.
The training was held in person in a classroom setting and were divided into 5 modules: 1) Power and Abuse of Power, 2) Cultures and Organisational Cultures, 3) Governance and Inclusive Leadership, 4) Accountability and Inclusive Leadership and 5) Communicating as a Leader. Simultaneous interpretation from English to 5 different languages (Khmer, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laotian) were also provided.
10 Sep
The 2nd High-Level Regional Meeting on ” Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Resource Mobilization in ASEAN in Mine/ERW Action”

Nanjing, China PRC:

On 7-9 September 2023, ARMAC in coordination with the ministry of foreign affairs (MFA) of the People’s Republic of China (China PRC) co-hosted the 2nd High-Level Regional Dialogue under the theme, “Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Resource Mobilization capacity in Mine/ERW Action in ASEAN” in Nanjing city, China PRC. The dialogue was followed by a Technology and Equipment Exhibitions organized by Shanghai Emerging Science and Technology Institute.

The dialogue was made possible by the generous support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the People’s Republic of China. The meeting was attended by high-ranking members of the diplomatic community and representatives from the National Mine Action Authorities/centers of the affected-ASEAN Member States (AMS), representatives of ARMAC Steering Committee, representative from ASEAN Secretariat, UNDP, UNMAS, and Canada to learn/share the successes, challenges, best practices, national strategies in implementing mine action programmes, as well as to provide the opportunity for affected AMS and their respective counterparts to further enhance bilateral/multilateral cooperation for mobilizing resources.

The dialogue was presided over by Minister Counsellor/Charge d’affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Beijing, MR. IRWANSYAH MUKHLIS, on behalf of the Chair of 2023 ARMAC Steering Committee (ARMAC SC) and co-chaired by ARMAC Executive Director Mr. PRUM SUONPRASETH and Mr. MA SHENKUN, Deputy Director General of the Department of Arms Control of the MFA of China PRC.
In his welcoming remarks, Mr. MA SHENKUN underscored that China PRC has always listed ASEAN as a key target of demining assistance and cooperation, and has done its utmost to provide assistance within its capacity and supported the project “Enhancing ASEAN’s Regional Cooperation and Resource Allocation Capacity in Mine Clearance” to help implement the ASEAN Political and Security Community Blueprint 2025 with practical actions. He further added that China was committed to working with affected ASEAN countries to continue to build a peaceful homeland in accordance with the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two sides, promote the development of the China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership, build a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future, and contribute to peace and development in the ASEAN region.
Addressing the dialogue, Mr. Prum Suonpraseth, Executive Director of ARMAC, started by extending his appreciation to the Government of the People’s Republic of China, for sponsoring this event, and for taking an ever-increasing interest ad active engagement in humanitarian mine action work and cooperation within the ASEAN region. ARMAC ED further stated that, “the dialogue demonstrates the commitment towards deepening China-ASEAN multilateral cooperations, demonstrating the strength of regional partnership and solidarity. The partnership between ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center with the Government of the People Republic of China a partnership of immense importance which is rooted in our common aspiration and shared value for the cause of Humanitarian Mine Action. The dialogue would serve as a key platform for ensuring progress, prosperity, sustainability of Humanitarian Mine Action in the ASEAN region and for advancement of partnership framework on cooperation and resource mobilization in affected AMS thru bilateral or multilateral mechanism with other governments of AMS, international and regional donors.” He further added that, “traditional financing has been a critical issue in our sector in the affected AMS. As such, using innovative financing or exploring non-traditional financing for the sector could provide an alternative solution to the financing gaps. And while technology and innovation continue to emerge and play important role in speeding up mine action work, initiatives on how to balance and align this advancement to other relevant aspects in the sector should also be visited, for example the need to balance and address environmental issues, aging workforce in the sector and how to expand our scope in formulating standard approaches to using technology between countries and within the region, in mitigating risks for destruction and detonation, and in advocating for adopting practices that are not only sustainable but are also mindful of available resources.
In his opening remarks, the Chair of ARMAC SC highlighted that, “Indonesia would like to see a resilient ASEAN and become a barometer for cooperation that would contribute to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and world. With this spirit, Indonesia takes up a theme of “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth”. Indonesia puts its priority deliverables under 3 pillars: (i) ASEAN matters, (ii) Epicentrum of Growth, and (iii) implementation of the ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific (AOIP). Under these 3 pillars, Indonesia is determined to make ASEAN important and relevant for the people of ASEAN and beyond, including to actively carry out peace and humanitarian diplomacy. Along with ASEAN Political-Security Blueprint 2025 and ASEAN Leaders’ Statement on the Establishment of an ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center, Indonesia sees the need to support ARMAC as a platform of regionalism and multilateralism. It has successfully carved out a niche for itself in the region and provided the foundation for cooperation in humanitarian mine action (HMA) in the region. ARMAC’s role today is perhaps more important than ever before given the geopolitical challenges and uncertainties that we are facing. In addition, Indonesia has a high commitment to demining in global level and has ratified the Ottawa Convention in 2006 and actively carried out demining process under UN peacekeeping operations in Lebanon and Democratic Republic of Congo”.
The Chair added that the dialogue served to enhance the cooperation by strengthening dialogue and practical cooperation in humanitarian assistance and maintaining regional peace, security and stability collectively and as a platform for affected AMS to propose new and innovative projects to a high-level international audience. Also, the event was timely and as funding to the HMA sector is facing challenges with competing priorities and arising conflicts in other parts of the world.
Mine action is always at the forefront of efforts to rebuild lives and communities in the affected AMS. Despites the conflicts have been over years ago, these remnants of war continue to cause casualties to innocent civilian and hinder socio-economic and infrastructure development. The impacts of conflict have not only left thousands of survivors but also family members of non-survivor or known as indirect victims in need of ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, psychosocial support and facilitation to overcome the countless barriers to accessing necessary services, as well as school, employment and community life.
25 Aug
Inception Meeting, Seoul, The Republic of Korea
24 August 2023, Inception Meeting, Seoul, The Republic of Korea
ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) and Jang An University have signed the agreement since May 2023 to jointly implement the project called “Enhance Victim Assistance Programme in the ASEAN Member States” financed by the Government of the Republic of Korea through the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund.
Between 23 and 24 August, the two parties had successfully kick off the first joint-activity, Inception Meeting, to prepare the organization of Regional Workshop on Enhance Victim Assistance Programme that is planned to be held on 24-26 October 2023 in Seoul, the Republic of Korea.
The two stakeholders had the opportunity exchange views and developed mutual understanding on the process of the organization of the Workshop. This includes the discussion on the Workshop’s technical contents, financial management, related administrative and logistic arrangements.
The Meeting was led by the Executive Director of ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center, Mr. Prum Suonpraseth and Mr. Cho Jai Kook, Chairman of Jang An University. There were 9 people (4 females) from ARMAC and JU participated in the Meeting.
28 Jun
The Working Visit of H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary-General of ASEAN to ARMAC

A Warm Welcome H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn to ARMAC

We were honored to welcome the working visit of H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary-General of ASEAN, to the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) on 28 June 2023.
During the visit, Mr. Prum Suonpraseth, Executive Director of ARMAC gave a briefing on the work of ARMAC and a tour around the Permanent Secretariat facility. The Secretary-General expressed his appreciation to the ARMAC for their efforts in raising awareness on the dangers of Explosive Remnant of War (ERW) in the region, sharing knowledge and best practices, as well as facilitating medical and rehabilitation assistance to victims of ERW and shared his views on how functions and mandate of ARMAC can best contribute to the ASEAN Community Building.
11 May
Signing Ceremony Between ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center And Jangan University of the agreement to implement the project “Enhance Victim Assistance Program in the ASEAN Member States” or Victim Assistance (VA)

11 May 2023 – ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC), represented by ARMAC Executive Director, Mr. Prum Suonpraseth, and Jang An University (JU), represented by the Acting President, Ms. Kim Ji Young, signed an Agreement to implement the Project “Enhance Victim Assistance Program in the ASEAN Member States” or Victim Assistance (VA).

The agreement aims to develop and strengthen the collaboration and cooperation in the area of Humanitarian Mine Action Program between ASEAN region and the Republic of Korea. The two entities would actively facilitate Humanitarian Mine Action-related joint programs, resource mobilization, and in support of Humanitarian Mine Action-related capacity development of relevant national institutions through technical cooperation.
The Ceremony was presided over by Mrs. Lauti Nia Astri, Charge d’Affaires a.i. of Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Cambodia, for and on behalf of the 2023 Chair and the Steering Committee of ARMAC. In addition, there were around 26 participants attended the event online and in-person from ARMAC Steering Committee (SC), dialogue partners, donors, victim assistance focal points, colleagues of JU, ARMAC, and related stakeholders.
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