
12 Jun
ARMAC meets with ASEAN-Germany and GIZ for potential collaboration in 2022

ARMAC meets with ASEAN-Germany and GIZ for potential collaboration in 2022

11 June 2021 – ARMAC and senior officials from the Embassy of Germany in Jakarta and GIZ met online and discussed about potential cooperation in 2022.

Institutional capacity building, outreach & communication, and knowledge management were discussed and identified as potential areas for cooperation between ARMAC and Germany.

11 Jun
ARMAC joins Fifth Forum of Entities Associated with ASEAN

11 June 2021 – ARMAC ED Prum Suonpraseth participated in the virtual Fifth Forum of Entities Associate with ASEAN. The Forum was convened to further strengthen the partnership between entities and ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN sectoral bodies, ASEAN related centres, and among themselves.

One of the highlights of this year’s forum was the launch of the Entities Digital Platform, an independent cybernetic space for ASEAN’s associated entities and centres, which is embedded in the ASEAN website. It allows members to directly engage with one another; to post event announcements, and to call for applications. It also aims to streamline the accreditation process through digitalization.

The Forum was attended by about 100 participants representing ASEAN parliamentarians, judiciaries, youth, civil societies, women, and business and professional associations.

(ARMAC, 11 June 2021)

11 Jun
ARMAC meets with ASEAN-Germany and GIZ for potential collaboration in 2022

11 June 2021 – ARMAC and senior officials from the Embassy of Germany in Jakarta and GIZ met online and discussed about potential cooperation in 2022.

Institutional capacity building, outreach & communication, and knowledge management were discussed and identified as potential areas for cooperation between ARMAC and Germany.

(ARMAC, 11 June 2021)

11 Jun
ARMAC joins Fifth Forum of Entities Associated with ASEAN

ARMAC joins Fifth Forum of Entities Associated with ASEAN

11 June 2021 – ARMAC ED Prum Suonpraseth participated in the virtual Fifth Forum of Entities Associate with ASEAN. The Forum was convened to further strengthen the partnership between entities and ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN sectoral bodies, ASEAN related centres, and among themselves.

One of the highlights of this year’s forum was the launch of the Entities Digital Platform, an independent cybernetic space for ASEAN’s associated entities and centres, which is embedded in the ASEAN website. It allows members to directly engage with one another; to post event announcements, and to call for applications. It also aims to streamline the accreditation process through digitalization.

The Forum was attended by about 100 participants representing ASEAN parliamentarians, judiciaries, youth, civil societies, women, and business and professional associations.

01 Jun
ARMAC signs MOU on Mine Action Technical and Resource Mobilisation Cooperation with Federation Handicap International

01 June 2021 – ARMAC signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Federation Handicap International (Humanity & Inclusion). Mekong Regional Program Director Ms. Pilar Duat Llorens, signed on behalf of HI, while Mr. Prum Suonpraseth represented ARMAC.

The online signing ceremony was attended by HI Country Manager for Cambodia Ms. Edith van Wijngaarden, HI Mine Action Coordinator in Lao Mr. Julien Kempeneers and Ms. Araceli Knaik, ARMAC Senior Technical Officer.

The MOU aims to strengthen the existing cooperation between HI and ARMAC in order to facilitate Mine Action-related joint programming and resource mobilization. The partnership will support of Mine Action-related capacity development of relevant national institutions through technical cooperation.

01 Jun
ARMAC joins the 24th International Meeting of Mine Action National Director and United Nations Advisers

24-27 May 2021 – ARMAC Executive Director Prum Suonpraseth and Programmes staff participated in the online meetings. The meetings provided an opportunity for the mine action community to reconnect, share knowledge and enhance the collective capacity to address old and new challenges under the overarching theme of “Perseverance, Partnership, Progress”.

This year’s meeting was organized by the United Nations with the generous support from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. For more information on the 24th NDM, see 24th International Meeting of Mine Action National Directors and United Nations Advisers | E-Mine

(ARMAC, 27 May 2021)

01 Jun
ARMAC signs MOU on Mine Action Technical and Resource Mobilisation Cooperation with Federation Handicap International

01 June 2021 – ARMAC signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Federation Handicap International (Humanity & Inclusion). Mekong Regional Program Director Ms. Pilar Duat Llorens, signed on behalf of HI, while Mr. Prum Suonpraseth represented ARMAC.

The online signing ceremony was attended by HI Country Manager for Cambodia Ms. Edith van Wijngaarden, HI Mine Action Coordinator in Lao Mr. Julien Kempeneers and Ms. Araceli Knaik, ARMAC Senior Technical Officer.

The MOU aims to strengthen the existing cooperation between HI and ARMAC in order to facilitate Mine Action-related joint programming and resource mobilization. The partnership will support of Mine Action-related capacity development of relevant national institutions through technical cooperation.

(ARMAC, 01 June 2021)

29 May
ARMAC staff participates in an Online Training Workshop for Mekong Specialists

29 May – 9 June 2021 – ARMAC Programs staff attended an online training course on Integrative Management and Coordination of National Mine Action Actors in the Mekong Region organized by Seoul Cyber University, Gyeonggi (Korea) Province in partnership with MAG International.

The course brings together representatives from mine action authorities in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam to develop a national action plan that is relevant in their respective country context.

As a regional entity focused on the humanitarian mine action, ARMAC brought a regional perspective during the discussions.

(ARMAC, 09 June 2021)

27 May
ARMAC joins the 24th International Meeting of Mine Action National Director and United Nations Advisers

ARMAC joins the 24th International Meeting of Mine Action National Director and United Nations Advisers

24-27 May 2021 – ARMAC Executive Director Prum Suonpraseth and Programmes staff participated in the online meetings. The meetings provided an opportunity for the mine action community to reconnect, share knowledge and enhance the collective capacity to address old and new challenges under the overarching theme of “Perseverance, Partnership, Progress”.

This year’s meeting was organized by the United Nations with the generous support from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. For more information on the 24th NDM, see 24th International Meeting of Mine Action National Directors and United Nations Advisers | E-Mine

(ARMAC, 27 May 2021)

19 May
Proposed partnership with JICA-CMAC and ARMAC

19 May 2021 – ARMAC Executive Director and Senior Technical Officer met with Mr. Hayashi Akihita, JICA Technical advisor to CMAC to discuss possible collaboration between ARMAC, CMAC and JICA. The proposed partnership aims to facilitate the sharing of Cambodia’s experience with other countries through international cooperation.

ED welcomed the opportunity to partner with the Governments of Japan and Cambodia as both countries have been actively supporting ARMAC since its inception. ED conveyed that ARMAC as a regional institution can facilitate knowledge sharing on areas that will be identified by the partnership.

(ARMAC, 19 May 2021)

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